Euromicro, the main organizer of the 31st International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, is an international non-profit organization in science, engineering, and education. It is dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of Information Technology and Microelectronics. Euromicro’s contributions to the progress in this field form a unique European focal point of activities. In pursuing the mission the highest professional and ethical standards are observed.
Euromicro was founded in 1973, inspired by the emerging microprocessor technology. Since then, Euromicro has been devoted to promoting research and technology transfer in its field, as well as discussing and disseminating knowledge, information, and skills in academia, industry, government, and education. As a truly international society, Euromicro strictly adheres to impartiality in national and international affairs.
The major focus is to organize conferences and workshops in Microelectronics, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering, covering topics such as software engineering, real-time systems, parallel and distributed processing, multimedia, telecommunications, sensor systems, robotics, computer architecture, and microelectronic hardware design.
Conference and workshop proceedings are published through IEEE Computer Press.
Since 1975 Euromicro conferences took place in more than 20 countries all over Europe.
Scientific work
Euromicro together with Elsevier Science Elsevier runs two reputable scientific journals: (JSA): Embedded Software Design and the (MICPRO): Embedded Hardware Design. This organization is a member of the Strategic Forum of the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), a membership-driven, grassroots ecosystem of leading ICT organizations and individuals focused on facilitating and advancing innovation in Europe. Euromicro is also in cooperation with BIOSTEC – International Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies.
Why join Euromicro
A continuously increasing number of professionals from universities the commercial sector, and government organizations takes advantage of the conferences and workshops, as a forum and a platform where new concepts and results in a variety of challenging areas meet experiences and requirements from practice or education. New perspectives in research and development as well as their implications in industry, government, or even social affairs are outlined among all experts involved.
While this is vital for our technical field as it changes rapidly the particular European focus of the Euromicro vision contributes substantially to such strivings. This is done on the one hand through burgeoning alliances with other professional societies around the world, by creating innovative programs and partnerships with global support. On the other hand, Euromicro has identified as a key interest to raise the awareness of both political leaders and industry experts for the enormous consequences that Information Technology has, and will have, for every sector of the political, economic, social, and cultural life of people. These entail a variety of deep-cutting measures for reshaping both the process and the contents of legislation. For Euromicro, this is a particular challenge and occasion in the current and future phases of the formation of the European Union.
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